Pakej Ubahsuai Rumah / Bina Banglo untuk Kakitangan Kerajaan

Kita menerima projek di seluruh Malaysia
(kecuali:Sabah dan Sawarak)

Pakej Ubahsuai Rumah / Bina Banglo
untuk Kakitangan Kerajaan

Melalui pinjaman perumahan perbendaharaan Malaysia

*Tanpa wang pendahuluan atau deposit
*Pinjaman sehingga 100%
*Semua proses pinjaman diuruskan oleh kami
*Khas untuk kakitangan kerajaan
*Tertakluk kepada syarat-syarat tertentu


  1. Anda ingin mencari kontraktor yg diyakini dan berpengalaman utk mengubahsuai kediaman impian anda? sila message dan sahkan tempahan anda sekarang!

  2. Very dissapointed service for my house project, from starting processing at lppsa and jpph site, ned to do multiple times and until the end of project. So much delay without valid reasons, not enough worker, not commited and irresponsible person who in charge my house project. Very poor quality of service of person in charge of my house project, not so called elligible or trusted. Please revise your worker or person in charge certain project. Very unstatisfied services and very low quality of services. Until 6 months, project till not settled and need to take very long time for just to complete minor work until the end.

    Very frustrating and disappointed
    From me, an officer goverment
